This series, born from many ferry rides and constant transitions between various destinations, is an exploration of movement, connection, and the transient nature of journeys.
The waves, in their constant movement and change, embody the unpredictability and fluidity of our life’s path. They raise questions about our destination, our purpose, and the very nature of the journey itself.
“Extraordinary Journey” is also a homage to the unique maritime culture of Atlantic Canada, a region where life is intrinsically tied to the sea. The images are imbued with a sense of respect and wonder for the ocean, which both connects and separates, facilitates and challenges.
The technique of juxtaposition used in these pieces further amplifies the sensation of motion and time’s passage. By carefully aligning and contrasting the waves, I create a rhythmic visual experience, a dance between nature and technology, presence and absence, and reality and illusion.
In this series, the ferry’s wake is more than a trail on the water’s surface; it is a trace of human existence, a fleeting imprint of our extraordinary journey through life. The waves speak to the universal experience of travel, not merely as physical movement but as a spiritual and emotional passage.